Our Design Process


If you are interested in going ahead with the project we will send a detailed proposal for you to look through. From here we can either have another consultation to find out more and develop ideas further or we can move through to a prototype


We will make a working prototype of your site to check layout and funtionality. Detail may be minimal but will often be minimal but it gives a chance for changes before it is developed further


The fun starts here and we can play with the look and feel of your site. We will work in consultation with you to get feedback and craft something that is unique to you.


Once the look and feel are signed off we need some time to tidy things up and prepare your site for launch. Things like SEO, image optimisation and consistency will be fully addressed here so your site can have a fantastic launch


Get in touch and I’ll be happy to advise around ways to create and promote your practice online.

Or call on: 
01629 583 418
or 07855 767 565
Mon- Sat 9am – 6pm